Years ago I had jerked off in the shower one day while my wife was still in bed. I returned to the bedroom and she was ready for some very hot kinky sex. Post orgasm, I was not. I was so disappointed in myself that I vowed that I would not bring myself to orgasm anymore and have stayed committed to that. I only cum now when she lets me or "makes" me. Sometimes she will get me to the edge and ask if I want to cum. Of course I want to physically which brings on the dilemma of wanting to be denied by her and staying on the high of arousal without the post orgasm crash. Just this past week I had a few stressful days and was acting rather "bitchy". My loving wife took me to the bedroom and gave me a wonderful blow job. I did not ask if I could cum. She knows when I am on the edge and she could have stopped but she didn't. It was a mind blowing orgasm. Yes, sometimes I wonder if the agony of orgasm is a good thing or not.
So I am at a point where I am satisfied without orgasm, particularly if she has one. I have gone for up to three months without and she has "joked" about making me go for a year.I was recently diagnosed with a cardiac issue and I am supposed to avoid activity like bearing down while on the toilet. I did not ask the doctor about concerns during sex including mind blowing orgasms. I am already quite accustomed to sexual activity with no orgasm for me so I see this as a great reason for me to be placed on full orgasm denial for at least the next 6 months until my next checkup.
Yes, I crave her control of my orgasms. I crave her keeping me in chastity. I plan to ask her to keep me teased and denied for the next 6 months. I have announced it here. I will see if she agrees to do so and, if so, will she extend beyond that time as she has "suggested". It gives me a perverse thrill to imagine permanent orgasm denial.